Complete solution for creating stylized water in Unity.
Inspired by multiple water techniques from AAA games.
Designed for Unity URP.
Supports PC & Mobile.

Announcement Video


  • Transparency & Refraction
  • Enivronmental reflections
  • Subsurface scattering
  • Noise
  • Specular highlights
  • Procedural & Custom mesh
  • LOD
  • Deterministic waves
  • Multiplayer-ready
  • Edge foam
  • Hill foam
  • Customizable layers
  • Underwater effect
  • God-rays
  • Caustics
  • Camera surface snapping
  • Ripple trails effect
  • Highly customizable
  • Custom shape casters
  • Buoyancy physics
  • Water wave sampler
  • Adjustable precision
  • Job system
  • Zero allocation
  • Local wave areas
  • Calm water on shore
  • High waves in storm
  • Cutout volumes
  • Different modes
  • Create water-in-water
  • Static & Floating origin
  • Remove water from ship interior
  • Customize anything
  • Compute only what you need
  • Modular approach
  • Reuse results and profiles
  • Separate assembly definition
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